Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District Releases 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is published every 5 years by the Regional Economic Strategy Committee (RESC) and SRPEDD staff. CEDS provides the latest information about target redevelopment sites, innovative financing, permitting techniques, and the newest thinking in our region.

2024-06-11T18:26:28-04:00June 11th, 2024|


The Advisory Committee on Women Veterans, appointed by the Governor and the Secretary of the Executive Office of Veterans Services, presents an exclusive opportunity for women who served in the military to participate in a survey that was developed to help improve the quality of services available for Massachusetts women Veterans.

2024-05-03T13:21:36-04:00May 3rd, 2024|

Two Greater New Bedford Workforce Area Schools Awarded 2024 Innovation Career Pathways Designation

Congratulations to Fairhaven High School, Wareham High School and the other 34 other Massachusetts high schools who have been awarded the 2024 Innovation Career Pathways designation.

2024-04-05T12:29:18-04:00April 5th, 2024|

New Bedford Homeless Service Providers Network Launches Online Street Sheet

The City of New Bedford's Homeless Service Provider's Network (HSPN) recently launched an online version or their "Street Sheet" to help homeless individuals access resources. \

2024-02-21T11:57:51-05:00February 21st, 2024|

Photo Gallery from BayCoast Bank Open House

On Wednesday evening, January 31, 2024, BayCoast Bank hosted a full house to greet its new tenants. Staff from BayCoast, MassHire GNB, One SouthCoast Chamber, and Feingold Bonnet-Hebert, P.C., as well as guests from all over the SouthCoast as well as representatives from the State, enjoyed refreshments and tours of the newly remodeled space. Thank you, BayCoast, for sponsoring this amazing event!

2024-02-05T16:07:52-05:00February 5th, 2024|
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