David Slutz, Chair; Managing Director, Potentia Holdings, LLC/President, Moby Dick Brewing Co Inc.

Duarte Silva, Vice Chair; President of South Coast Federal Credit Union,

Carl Taber, Treasurer; Executive VP & Chief Lending Officer, BayCoast Bank

Jeffrey Pelletier, Assistant Treasurer; CEO, Junior Achievement, Member of our Youth Council

Lisa M. Lemieux, Secretary; Greater New Bedford SE MA Labor Council

John Fernandes, Business Development Committee Chair; Executive Board Representative, The Greater Southeastern Massachusetts Labor Council Member of our Business Development Committee, and Member of our Performance & Oversight Committee

Ron Melbourne, Performance Committee Chair; General Manager, Membrane Concepts

Yvonne Tobey, Youth Council Chair; Project Coordinator, Building Pathways South Pre-Apprentice Program

Margarita Graham, At Large; President/CEO, Reliable Bus Lines, Inc.


John Fernandes, Chair; Executive Board Representative, The Greater Southeastern Massachusetts Labor Council, At Large Member of our Executive Committee, and Member of our Performance & Oversight Committee

Angela Johnston, Director of Business Solutions and Partnerships at Bristol Community College

Michael O’Sullivan, CEO, One SouthCoast Chamber

Tracy Silvia, HR Business Partner, Ahead USA/Kate Lord

Dr. Steven White, Dean, Charlton College of Business, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth


Ron Melbourne, Chair; General Manager, Membrane Concepts

John  Fernandes, Executive Board Representative, The Greater Southeastern Massachusetts Labor Council

Margarita E. Graham, VP & General Manager, Reliable Bus Lines, Inc.

Jane McArdle, HR/Office Manager, Trinity Solar

Bonnie Mello, President & CEO, Lifestream, Inc

Michael Tavares, General Manager, Horacio’s


Yvonne Tobey, Chair; Program Manager for Building Pathways South

Christopher John Rezendes, Vice Chair; Founder, Partner, INEX Advisors LLC

Christopher Cummings, Manager of CVTE, New Bedford High School

Steven Frechette, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity/CIS, Bristol Community College

Renee Ledbetter, Director, New Bedford Shannon Initiative, United Way of Greater New Bedford

Reverend David A. Lima, Pastor & Executive Minister, New Seasons Worship Center & Inter-Church Council of Greater NB

Michael Watson, Superintendant-Elect, Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School

Lisa Mello-Frost, Director, PACE YB Youth Development Center

Joshua Amaral, Assistant Director, PACE YB Youth Development Center

Robert Mendes, Executive Director/Chair, NB Youth Alliance Boy’s and Girls Club in New Bedford

Mike Watson, Superintendent-Elect, Greater New Bedford Vocational Technical High School

Elizete Perry, Systems Manager, Greater New Bedford Career Center

Mary Rapoza, Director, Parks, Recreation & Beaches City of New Bedford

Maria Rozario, Executive Director, NorthStar Learning Centers, Inc.

Cynthia Wallquist, Director of Community Services, City Hall

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Businesses can connect with us for the following opportunities:

  • Serve as a private sector member of your local MassHire Workforce Board
  • Partner on the design of a training program

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