Abbey Despres

Chief Financial Officer

TEL 508.979.1504 x103

DIRECT 774.762.5063

Donna J. Ramos

National Dislocated Worker Grant Opioid Crisis Program Director

TEL 508.979.1504 x106

DIRECT 774.762.5066

Jacqueline Sylvia

Director of Communications / Regional Healthcare Sector Program Manager

TEL 508.979.1504 x104

DIRECT 774.762.5064

Taylor Nichols-Xavier

Deputy Operations Officer

TEL 508.979.1504 x113

DIRECT 774.762.5073

Deven Robitaille

Youth Industry Sector Coordinator

TEL 508.979.1504 x108

DIRECT 774.762.5068

Justin Grota

Youth Team Coordinator

TEL 508.979.1504 x110

DIRECT 774.762.5070

Debra Hartman

Apprenticeship Program Manager

TEL 508.979.1504 x101

DIRECT 774.762.5061

Matthew De Oliveira

Apprenticeship Integration Sector Specialist

TEL 508.979.1504 x102 

DIRECT 774.762.5062

As your local MassHire Workforce Board, we design strategies and programs that best meet the needs of job seekers and businesses in our region.

Businesses can connect with us for the following opportunities:

  • Serve as a private sector member of your local MassHire Workforce Board
  • Partner on the design of a training program

For your immediate hiring needs, we oversee the MassHire Greater New Bedford Career Center. To connect with a job seeker today, visit masshiregnbcc.com.

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