Resources for Persons with Disabilities
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission – public vocational rehabilitation, independent living and disability determination services for Massachusetts.
Helps job applicants with disabilities find employers listing suitable jobs on the Internet.
A comprehensive presentation and resources for managing working while receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
MassOptions connects elders, individuals with disabilities and their caregivers with agencies and organizations that can best meet their needs. Learn more about MassOptions, the network of partners and State agencies and how to contact them here.
the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
INDEX helps people with disabilities find the information they need. We collect and keep up-to-date information on programs, providers and services in Massachusetts that have something to offer to people with disabilities.
State & Federal Benefit Resources
The goal of the Skills Capital Grants is to help high schools, colleges and other educational institutions invest in the most up-to-date training equipment to give their students an advantage when they continue in their chosen field or particular area of study
Find over a thousand Federal and State benefits including housing, food/nutrition, education, grants/loans, disaster relief and Medicare/Medicaid.
DUA oversees the unemployment insurance (UI) program, which provides temporary income assistance to eligible workers in Massachusetts. DUA also determines and collects employer contributions to the UI program.
Mass 211 connects callers to information about critical health and human services available in their community. It serves as a resource for finding government benefits and services, nonprofit organizations, support groups, volunteer opportunities, donation programs, and other local resources.
Fidelity Bonds for “at-risk,” hard-to-place job seekers. The bonds cover the first six months of employment at no cost to the job applicant or the employer.
Resources for Transportation
Programs for transportation options that not only result in cleaner air, but also faster and easier commutes.
A one-stop searchable directory of public, private and accessible transportation options in Massachusetts
Information to help seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, commuters, and others find a ride in Massachusetts.