SAMC’s organizational partners, comprised of MassHire Workforce Boards, local, state, federal, and non-profit organizations along with other stakeholders from the Southeastern Massachusetts region, Cape Cod and the Islands, are committed to improving the area’s advanced manufacturing workforce pipeline.
SAMC’s organizational partners, with our manufacturing and educational partners, work to develop strategies, funding, and resources to provide manufacturing employers with a skilled workforce while creating a sustainable living for these workers.
Student Project | Plant Trellis Made From Rusty Scraps
"The welding training has made a major difference in my life. I work at a farm where we also manufacture household and commercial furnaces for pyrolyzing organic matter. The resulting agricultural products are helping to sequester carbon dioxide by binding it in the soil among many other things. I have been able to start working with metal in the shop and I have also used my training to weld plastics for irrigation systems we use at the farm. My training has provided me a way to have year-round employment after having to leave my teaching job due to health issues and struggling through the winter layoffs from landscaping jobs each year. This way I can stay connected to the soil and also do technical things which I both love while being able to provide for myself. I enclosed a picture of one of my after work projects I train on, a plant trellis that I made from rusty scraps that were lying around. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I was given, and I found the training most meaningful."

“The welding training has made a major difference in my life. I work at a farm where we also manufacture household and commercial furnaces for pyrolyzing organic matter. The resulting agricultural products are helping to sequester carbon dioxide by binding it in the soil among many other things. I have been able to start working with metal in the shop and I have also used my training to weld plastics for irrigation systems we use at the farm. My training has provided me a way to have year-round employment after having to leave my teaching job due to health issues and struggling through the winter layoffs from landscaping jobs each year. This way I can stay connected to the soil and also do technical things which I both love while being able to provide for myself. I enclosed a picture of one of my after work projects I train on, a plant trellis that I made from rusty scraps that were laying around. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I was given, and I found the training most meaningful.”

Chris Anzuoni
“Most importantly however, I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to the MassHire Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Partnership and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. I am grateful their grant funding was provided within my district to the Center for Corporate and Professional Education at the Cape Cod Community College.
The instructors and all the behind the scenes people that administered and supported this program are a top quality team. The on-line format even encouraged my fellow classmates and me to became actively engaged despite our remote environments. We are all fortunate to have received the benefit of the grant.
To conclude, I simply wanted you to know that your efforts are sincerely appreciated.”

Bill Morin
“My experience in the program was excellent, the instructors were great, and when the classes were over I had the confidence I had the skills to join the workforce. It’s a great new profession, the the only regret I have is not starting this earlier. Thanks MassHire for the opportunity.”