Why is Workforce and Labor Market information important?

US Department of Labor logoThe U. S. Department of labor states:

“Workforce and labor market information is essential to the nation’s economy, providing for the efficient operation of labor markets by supplying quality labor market intelligence. Accurate, Objective, Relevant, Timely, and Accessible workforce and labor market information is critical for:

  • Building a skilled workforce that spurs business competitiveness and economic growth;
  • Strengthening career pathways and guiding skill attainment for good jobs, economic opportunity, and career growth;
  • Understanding the rapidly changing nature of work and how it impacts the workforce and U.S. economy; and
  • Spending workforce training and education funds effectively.

The nation’s labor markets cannot function efficiently and effectively without quality information to support the investment decisions of the workforce development system— Federal and State policymakers; State and local Workforce Development Boards; Federal, State, and local government agencies; and frontline staff—and the investment decisions of business managers, workers, students, jobseekers and educators.”


Labor Force & Unemployment Rates by WDA & Region

Greater New Bedford WDA

New Bedford MA Metropolitan NECTA

Greater New Bedford WDA

Southeast Region

Southeast Region

Southeast Region

Untitled Document

Veterans Equity Dashboard

Explore the Veterans Equity Dashboard to gain insights into labor market and demographic trends among working-age veterans in Massachusetts. Hover over charts for detailed explanations of various equity indicators.

Using the Overview tab, browse key workforce indicators by age or by service period using the dropdown menus. Visit the Demographics tab for details including sex, race, geography, education, and disability status of veteran workers. For deeper analysis by occupation, industry, or sector, select the Employment tab.

Additional instructions for navigating the dashboard are below.

Dashboard Navigation

Overview Tab

This section provides quick insights on the statewide labor market to compare veterans with non-veterans across key workforce indicators. For unemployment rate, labor force participation rate, and median earnings, additional breakdowns are available by age bracket (for both veterans and non-veterans) and by service period (for veterans only). To update the visualization, select a metric from the table on the left-hand side of the dashboard, or use the dropdown menu. To switch between age bracket and service period groupings, use the rightmost dropdown menu. Hover for additional details.

Demographics Tab

This tab provides detailed breakdowns of the Massachusetts veteran population compared to the non-veterans across key demographic classifiers, including race and ethnicity, geography, sex, educational attainment, disability rates, and age. For detailed descriptions of each metric, hover over different sections of the relevant chart. To compare the racial/ethnic makeup of veterans vs. non-veterans, use the dropdown menu beside the relevant chart. The regional map can be updated to reflect either a) the percentage of all veterans statewide living in a given county or b) the percentage of the local population made up of veterans.

Employment Tab

Use this tab to explore the occupations, sectors and industries where veterans work. The first dropdown menu determines the sorting order, the second determines whether occupations or industries are presented, and the third dropdown menu determines which metric is charted (explained in the chart below). Data are available for all veterans or for male veterans only.

Veterans Employment Total employment of veterans (i.e. "Where do veterans work?")
Relative Employment Relative employment of veterans vs. non-veterans (i.e. "Where are veterans relatively over or under-represented?")
Veterans Earnings Median earnings of veterans (i.e. "In which industries do veterans earn the highest salaries?")
Relative Earnings Relative difference in earnings of veterans vs. non-veterans (i.e. "Where do veterans earn significantly more than their non-veteran peers?")

To view comparison data for a given industry or occupation, click its name or measures in the chart.