RFP originally posted April 10, 2023
Bidders Conference Notes/Questions
1. Is the amount of parking spots required in the RFP for employees or
just in general?
a. It’s a general number. The minimum number of spots either low cost or no cost would be 35.
2. Has this timeline changed since it is a second iteration? So, it has
been moved out? Can it be moved out again?
a. Is there a drop-dead date for this timeline?
i. Answer: The Board would be willing to extend the timeline by 30 days, but it is advantageous to try and stay within the timeframe.
3. Are the restrooms for the staff by gender? What about the restrooms for
general public? Do they have to be gender specific?
a. For staff: The Board can utilize a water closet method. For general public: separated by gender
4. We have an architect that does a lot of work for us. He is looking
through the RFP
a. We are going to look at our space again tomorrow and review the RFP
i. Joe: The Board need 13 offices; the amount of offices can be reduced if offices can handle two or more desks. The Career Center needs at minimum 2 offices, with one being capable of housing two desks.
b. 2 offices potentially with 2 desks placed in each office.
c. 1 office capable of housing 3 desks.
d. 1 large conference room
e. 1 small conference room
Space can be divided into two floors
f. Career Center on one and the board on other.
g. Preference is to have the Career Center on first floor
i. Cubicles: The Career Center needs at least space for 30 cubicles
5. What is the standard size for cubicles?
a. As stated in the RFP
i. 50sq ft
6. Do you have your own furniture? Yes, both the Board and Career Center have our own furniture.
7. Does the Career Center have their own furniture? Yes.
8. So, Bidder is just responsible for providing space? Correct.
9. When we submit architectural design what would you want this to look
like? Floor plan?
a. Joe: Rudimentary design will suffice
10. Would you prefer CAT5 or CAT6 bandwidth?
a. CAT5
11. How big is your server room? Would you need two server rooms for each
a. Small. Only need one. Needs to be air conditioned as per the RFP.
12. What should the size of the cafeteria or lunch room be?
a. Needs to hold 6-8 people, one microwave, one refrigerator and table and have at least 4 outlets
13. Do you supply kitchen appliances?
a. Yes. Standard size for appliances.
14. Can the timeline be amended?
a. If necessary.
15. Is the move in date specified on the timeline the actual date you plan
to move in?
a. Ideally yes, preferable move in date is the Friday, with the team members setting up their offices over the weekend and be prepared to work
from the space on the Monday.
Lease Site Request for Proposals (RFP)
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board, Inc. dba MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Board (MHGNBWB) MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board (MHGNBWIB) is seeking proposals from vendors interested in offering real estate suitable for the MHGNBWB and MassHire Greater New Bedford Career Center (MHGNBCC) offices that will meet the minimum requirements specified. Proposals will be received the MHGNBWB office until 11:00AM. Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 as outlined in the attached specifications.
All proposals submitted in response to this RFP will be evaluated and awarded in accordance with the provisions established under Massachusetts General Laws Uniform Procurement Act . Bidders will be required to adhere to the guidelines established under this statute.
A printed original and 1 (flash drive) with an electronic copy of the entire proposal must be mailed or hand delivered in a properly marked, sealed envelope to the MHGNBWB, 1213 Purchase Street, New Bedford MA 02740, proposals delivered elsewhere and not in this office by 11:00 AM Tuesday, May 30th , 2023 will not be considered. Clearly mark envelope containing both the Technical and Cost Proposals “MHGNBWB/ MHGNBCC LEASE SITE.”
Joseph P. Lopes, MBA
Executive Director