MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Board


Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board (The “Company”) is seeking quotes for the provision of annual audit and related services as described in the Scope of Services below. We invite your firm to submit a proposal to us by April 30, 2022 for consideration.

Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board is a Massachusetts-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.   The primary mission of the Company is: to provide the leadership necessary to build the regional workforce development system and collaborate with all regional partners to help jobseekers achieve their long term employment goals, and businesses to meet their hiring needs.  The Company is the fiscal agent for local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funding, as designated by the Mayor of the City of New Bedford.

As of 2022 the Company has 12 full time employees and a budget of approximately 6.5 million.

Through this Request for Proposal, the Company seeks to procure auditing, tax filing and related professional services.  The anticipated scope of services is:

  1. Perform annual corporate audit, including schedules and reports required for direct and pass-through Federal awards. Annual audit to be completed in accordance with audit standards accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, including auditing the types of compliance requirements describes in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that are applicable to each of its major federal program(s), and meetings with the audit committee and or board of directors, as necessary.
  2. Perform such compliance testing as required for recipients Federal contracts for service.
  3. Prepare Clearinghouse report(s) as required.
  4. Communicate end-of-year adjusting entries.
  5. Prepare annual Federal and state corporate tax filings. Currently, these are the Federal Form 990 and Massachusetts Form PC and Annual Report.
  6. Be available for technical assistance and advice as needed.

The Company uses QuickBooks Online for its financial accounting system and uses excel spreadsheets to complete required monthly financial reports.  The Company’s FY ’20 audit is posted on our website at

Please feel free to contact Abigail Despres, the Company’s CFO for any other additional information you may need prior to submission of bid.

The Company’s fiscal year ends on 6/30/2022.  We expect that final financial records will be available after 8/16/2022.  Audited financials/Single Audit report MUST be provided prior to December 31, 2017.

A response is requested no later than April 30, 2022.  Correspondence should be mailed to the following address:

Abigail Despres
Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board
1213  Purchase Street
New Bedford, MA 02740

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Abigail Despres at

Tel: 508-979-1504 x122.

Bid may be in any format but should include the following information:

  1. Name, title, and telephone/fax/email of the representative who can answer questions on the proposal.
  2. Identify the partner, manager and in-charge accountant who will be assigned to our job if you are successful in your bid..
  3. Description of the number and qualifications of the proposed field work team that would be assigned to the account.
  4. A General description of the company and its experience in not-for-profit auditing. Specifically address your experience with Government Auditing Standards, and OMB Circular A-133.
  5. Provide a fee estimate for the current fiscal year as well as your estimate for the three years ended June 30, 2023, 2024, and 2025.
  6. Set forth your fee proposal, with whatever guarantees can be given regarding increases in future years. Include your proposed fee for the required tax and UFR preparation.
  7. Please provide the names and contact information for other clients with similar requirements for reference purposes..
  8. Discuss your firm’s commitment to staff continuity.
  9. Please provide the history of any sanctions your firm has experienced from regulatory authorities, if relevant.
  10. Anticipated audit schedule/timing and deliverables