What is youth Apprenticeship Week?
This year marks the 1st National Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW)! YAW is a nationwide celebration that highlights the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for youth, ages 16-24 *. Employers, educators, labor unions, and workforce professionals across the country are launching Registered Apprenticeship programs that allow youth to earn competitive wages while obtaining the relevant training and experience to start their careers. YAW is an opportunity for these stakeholders to host events to showcase how Registered Apprenticeship creates a sustainable pipeline of skilled and diverse talent across multiple industries such as cybersecurity, healthcare, gaming and graphic design, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, engineering, artificial intelligence, transportation, robotics and other in-demand occupations.
YAW is designed to increase awareness of apprenticeships among youth, educators, parents, state agencies, workforce partners, industry and to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships as a pathway to careers. YAW gives apprenticeship sponsors, career and technical education (CTE) programs, employers, labor unions, workforce agencies and other diverse partners the opportunity to showcase the value of Registered Apprenticeship programs for youth and gives youth apprentices a platform to highlight their apprenticeship experience.
25 Elm Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 203
New Bedford, MA 02740
For further information contact Debbie Hartman
*MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Board’s Registered Apprenticeship Program serves youth ages 18 through 24.
MassHire Programs and Services are funded in part by the US Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration grants as well as non-federal funded grants. (Additional details furnished upon request.)