MWA Advocacy Academy Jacqueline Sylvia2024-02-12T14:21:41-05:00February 12th, 2024| Kelly Hanlon, Associate Director, Massachusetts Workforce AssociationKelly Hanlon, Associate Director, Massachusetts Workforce Association Samuel M. Gebru, CEO, Black Lion StrategiesSamuel M. Gebru, CEO, Black Lion Strategies Abigail Elsbree, Policy and Advocacy Assistant, Black Lion StrategiesAbigail Elsbree, Policy and Advocacy Assistant, Black Lion Strategies Senator Patricia D. Jehlen, Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce DevelopmentSenator Patricia D. Jehlen, Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development Representative Kip A. Diggs, House Acting Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce DevelopmentRepresentative Kip A. Diggs, House Acting Chair, Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development Representative Josh S. Cutler, House Chair of the Labor and Workforce Development Committee, and Undersecretary of ApprenticeshipRepresentative Josh S. Cutler, House Chair of the Labor and Workforce Development Committee, and Undersecretary of Apprenticeship Bruce Mendelsohn, and Alicia SmithBruce Mendelsohn, and Alicia Smith D. Beth GriffithD. Beth Griffith Ramona Rivera-Reno, Kira Khazatsky, Asiala RiveraRamona Rivera-Reno, Kira Khazatsky, Asiala Rivera Jacqueline Sylvia, Marisol Carmona, Jibrael YounisJacqueline Sylvia, Marisol Carmona, Jibrael Younis Share with Friends! FacebookXLinkedInPinterestEmail