For more information, contact:
- Kristy Grignon, kristyg@massmep.org
New Additive Manufacturing Program for Massachusetts Manufacturers Focuses on Addressing Specific Shop Needs.
October 30, 2023 – Auburn, MA – Additive manufacturing (AM) is revolutionizing manufacturing, and for good reason. AM can reduce material costs and waste by as much as 90%, improve parts reliability, and reduce inventory. To bring Massachusetts manufacturers up-to-speed on the latest AM technologies, MassMEP is pleased to announce the launch of Applying Additive Manufacturing to Your Manufacturing, a new 3-day program designed to help manufacturers learn about, and stay current on, additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing.
Applying Additive Manufacturing to Your Manufacturing offers a wholistic view of the tools and technologies available, and how they can be applied to a manufacturer’s processes. The program is delivered through a mix of onsite and offsite activities over the course of three days. The goal is to help individual manufacturers understand the pros and cons of the many available 3D printing methods and how to match the right ones to particular applications in order to improve the business. For some companies, the technology of interest is printing prototypes; for others, it’s printing tooling; and for others, it’s producing parts. This new program will provide hands-on opportunities to learn the tools available and work on opportunities to apply 3D printing within the manufacturing organization.
“Technology is not just a buzzword anymore,” stated Ellen Ellsworth, MassMEP Director of Innovative Growth Services. “Today, manufacturers are anxious to learn about and apply 3D printing/additive manufacturing technologies because of their capacity for rapid prototyping, cost efficiency, customization, and supply chain resilience. The bottom line benefits for manufacturers are clear: streamlined production, faster innovation, and reduced costs. These make additive manufacturing a pivotal asset in modern manufacturing strategies.”
Applying Additive Manufacturing to Your Manufacturing is taught to individual manufacturing organizations. The ideal group size is 6-12 employees. The program will teach practical skills in 3D printing technologies; materials, their properties, and their use; applications, including prototyping, tooling, and fixturing; printing software; CAD models for 3D printing efficiency; Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM); and guidelines for managing design constraints.
For more information about the program, please visit:
https://massmep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/additive-sm-2-1.pdf or contact Ellen Ellsworth, Director of Innovative Growth Services, ellene@massmep.org.
For further information contact:
Kristy Grignon
27A Midstate Drive
Auburn, MA 01501
Ph: 508-831-7020
Email: kristyg@massmep.org